A riotous rock 'n' roll animal counting picture book.
One funky monkey as though in a trance, moving and grooving he started to dance... as do the rest of the animals in the zoo. One Funky Monkey is a counting book (1-10) that features some very funky animals engaging in various dances - from hip-hopping elephants to jiving giraffes, moonwalking meerkats and 'lion' dancing lions. Ultimately they all join a conga line as we count through all the animals one by one.
- 9781921150456
- 9781921150456
- General fiction (Children's / Teenage)
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Walker Books Australia Pty, Limited
- Country of origin:
- Australia
- Dimensions (mm):
- 267x218x8mm
- Weight:
- 0.33kg
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