From Robert Wayne McCoy comes a debut novel of astonishing power and depth that hints of a world both beyond our own and closer to us than can possibly be imagined, and the secret of a growing darkness comes to light. Buried beneath the Kentucky college town of Mill Run is a presence of ill mention in the Book of Genesis and Apocalyptic text. There was recorded a second fall of angels and these beings stood like gods among men. In total opposition to their creator's will they lusted after flesh and mated with human beings. It was because of this disobedience that God flooded the world, seeking to wipe the face of the planet clean. For humanity, however, this was just the beginning . . . Rogue forces seek to unleash a leader of the second angelic fall. Starting in the town of Mill Run the remaining angels seek to enact a plan of such magnitude, of such power, as to reshape creation. A few people aware of this event will stand against these angels, whatever the personal costs. They will experience the power and awe of the reawakening of a being older than the stars. And they will battle for the fate of humanity - with the entire world hanging in the balance. Robert Wayne McCoy ilives in Westtown, New York. This is his first published novel.
- 9781594141485
- 9781594141485
- Category:
- Fantasy
- Publication Date:
- 01-09-2004
- Publisher:
- Cengage Gale
- Country of origin:
- United States
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