An Unexpected Twist:
'The Invisible Bride' is the 6th volume in the hilarious satirical series 'The Morning of the Mogul.' This unique story takes a surprising and unexpected twist when Bassam imitates Haj Mukhtar, who pretends his wife is a Jinni, and marries an invisible Dalila, after Islamists forbade visits, in the presence of the inmates, inside the library.
Laugh Out Loud Comedy:
Readers will be laughing out loud as this wild story unfolds. From Bassam's misadventures with his pretend bride to the outrageous characters he meets along the way, this novel is full of laugh-out-loud moments that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
Unique Storytelling:
The Invisible Bride is a unique story that stands out from all other volumes in "The Morning of the Mogul" series. Through creative storytelling and witty dialogue, author Hichem Karoui shows readers a side of life they may have never encountered.
Unforgettable Characters:
This novel introduces readers to unforgettable characters who will stay with them long after finishing the book. From Bassam's quirky friends to the mysterious jinni bride, each character brings something unique to this zany story.
A Refreshingly Different Take on Love:
'The Invisible Bride' tackles love in a refreshingly different way than most stories do. With its humourous take on relationships and marriages, you'll reflect on what it really means to be in love by the time you finish reading!
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