A History of Yale's School of Medicine

A History of Yale's School of Medicine

by Dr. Gerard N. Burrow, M.D.
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 01/10/2008

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This fascinating book tells the story of the Yale University School of Medicine, tracing its history from its origins in 1810 (when it had four professors and 37 students) to its present status as one of the world’s outstanding medical schools. Written by a former dean of the medical school, the book focuses on the important relationship of the medical school to the university, which has long operated under the precept that one should heal the body as well as the soul.

Dr. Gerard Burrow recounts events surrounding the beginnings of the medical school, the very perilous times it experienced in the middle and late nineteenth century, and its revitalization, rapid growth, and evolution throughout the twentieth century. He describes the colorful individuals involved with the school and shows how social upheavals-wars, the Depression, boom periods, social activism, and the like-affected the school. The picture he paints is that of an institution that was at times unmanageable and under-funded, that often had troubled relationships with the New Haven community and its major hospital, but that managed to triumph over these difficulties and flourish. Today Yale University School of Medicine is a center for excellence. Dr. Burrow draws on the themes recurrent in its rich past to offer suggestions about its future.
History of education
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Yale University Press

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