Modern Concepts of Security

Modern Concepts of Security

by James Ohwofasa Akpeninor
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 12/01/2018

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I have been associated with the security operations at various levels of jurisdictions from the National security policing (covert operations) to the Industrial/Commercial security setup; to Corporations proprietary security practice and supervision over the past three decades. In this stretch, I have come to be conscious of the vital necessity for comprehensive documentation of security and safety archetypes for the study of this unique profession in which reference materials for developing core and universal curricula for training or self improvement of security operatives are hard to come by. Mainly because most law enforcement agents or persons charged with security managements Law enforcement officers; Security Directors, Fire Safety Directors, the police and even Contract Security firms have hardly come to terms with the professional demands of this specialized professional calling which has assumed the centre stage of global reckoning of the present-day. With these concerns, I have designed this book to be a working companion to personnel and agencies in the security professional vocation along with students of peace and conflicts studies; criminology and security studies the Armed forces personnel and other National Security Agents (DSS, DIA, NIA, NAFDAC, NDLEA, etc.); the Para-military (Police, ICPC, EFCC, Customs & Excise and Immigrations departments, FRSC, NCDC, NEMA and a host of others). In essence, modern security outlook incorporates the Human Security schools of thought which is all about the practice of holistic and global security that is a shift from the traditional conception of National Security (a state-centred approach) to focus on the wellbeing of individuals, which is yet to be cultivated in the African continent resulting in enduring problems of disease, poverty, security adversities, violence and insurgences, human rights abuses and civil strives. The reference volumes afford abundant valuable materials on modern concepts of security meant to offer sound basic knowledge for security practitioners, contract security firms as well as for individual reading to boost security consciousness of the entire public which can be adapted, modified, rejected or used for the reader's own purposes. I therefore entrust this book to the kind consideration of security practitioners and managers in general, especially the certified national and international security and law enforcement professionals. I hope that the contents will be of material benefit to the entire security community because it is only when knowledge is applied specifically to the needs of a particular skill that it becomes of true value. Therein lays the reader's part.

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