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The Murder of Vince Foster

The Murder of Vince Foster

America's Would-Be Dreyfus Affair

by David Martin
Publication Date: 24/09/2020

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In the case of the conviction and imprisonment of Captain Alfred Dreyfus on false espionage charges in late-19th century France, the initially small number of people who doubted the government and the press and worked for justice for Captain Dreyfus were known as "Dreyfusards." Doubt about the official version of the story of how President Bill Clinton's deputy White House Counsel Vincent W. Foster, Jr., died was also confined to a few individuals in the early days, at least among those who would speak up. By the terminology borrowed from France, David Martin was an original "Dreyfusard." In time, he was joined by people with a higher profile, but after Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's team rendered its long-delayed opinion that the original "suicide" judgment had been correct, most of them dropped by the wayside. Martin, who as a senior at Davidson College was secretary of the Young Democrats Club of which Foster was a member, persisted, following the case into the controversy surrounding candidate Donald Trump's expressed suspicions about Foster's death in the 2016 presidential campaign and beyond. In a certain sense, this book may be regarded as the memoir of a Washington, DC, "Dreyfusard" insider. Eventually, justice would prevail in the Dreyfus case. Demonstrating the same sort of incisive analysis that he showed in The Assassination of James Forrestal and The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton, written with Hugh Turley, Martin makes a persuasive case that justice is yet to be done in the case of Vince Foster's death. A major reason for the difference, Martin explains, is that the press and the ruling establishment of the United States have been much more monolithic on the side of injustice than were those institutions in France at the turn of the 20th century. This book is destined to be the definitive reference work for anyone interested in this high-level murder mystery, as Martin fashions it, while, at the same time, it reveals a great deal about the nature of the controlling power of the United States at the turn of the 21st century.
History of the Americas
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