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Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations

Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations

8th Edition

by Matt EganRonita Ram Bryan Howieson and others
Publication Date: 23/11/2016

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Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations, 8e is the latest update of this well-known and highly regarded text which provides clear, comprehensive and practical coverage of the process and issues relevant to consolidation accounting.

This latest edition is a thorough update which reflects the significant changes to the Australian Accounting Standards, IFRS and Corporations Law that have occurred since the last publication.

While working with this text, students learn to explain, execute and evaluate the accounting methods used in consolidations. They will be well equipped to prepare accounts for larger entities, groups and joint ventures.

Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations, 8e is written for second and third year undergraduate Advanced Financial Accounting, Company Accounting and Consolidated Financial Reporting courses.

It is also suitable for students undertaking professional accounting qualifying examinations (in particular the CPA Australia or CA programs).

  • As with previous editions, the flexible structure and approach to the topics helps instructors to tailor their course according to their learning objectives. 
  • Practical end of chapter exercises help students develop accounting and analysis skills and enhance their employability. Some of these questions may be performed in Excel help students to gain a clear understanding of how formulas are used to calculate the answers and how changes in one variable affect each other. 
  • AASB Standards referenced within the chapter are listed at start of each chapter.
  • Details of the changing scope of differences and similarities between certain Australian Accounting Standards and IFRS as well as the relationship between US GAAP and IFRS. 
  • Journals and worksheets visuals are integrated throughout the text.
  • A wide variety of End-of-Chapter questions which encourage critical thinking and analysis.
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Pearson Education Australia
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8th Edition
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Ronita Ram

Ronita Ram joined Henley Business School at the University of Reading as a lecturer in Accounting in 2015. She has a PhD in Accounting from the University of Sydney, a Post graduate Diploma in Accounting and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting and Information System from the University of the South Pacific (USP) Suva, Fiji Islands. She is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australian and New Zealand.

Ronita has over ten years of teaching experience. She has been the recipient of the Dean’s Citation award for every semester of her teaching at the University of Sydney. She has taught courses on financial accounting at undergraduate and also post graduate levels at University of Sydney. Currently she is the lecturer and module convenor for Introduction to Accounting at Henley Business School.

Bryan Howieson

Bryan Howieson M.Com. FCPA FAFAANZ is Associate Professor in the School of Accounting and Finance at the University of Adelaide. He has held prior positions at the Adelaide Graduate School of Business and the Universities of South Australia and Western Australia.

His teaching and research interests relate primarily to financial reporting and accounting standard setting,but he also has strong interests in accounting education, professional ethics and corporate governance. Bryan has published extensively in academic and professional journals. He has had a long association with accounting standards setting in Australia, including acting as an alternate member of Australia’s Urgent Issues Group and the Consultative Group, and has assisted the Australian Accounting Standards Boards (AASB) in research projects.

He was recently appointed to the AASB’s Academic Advisory Panel. He has undertaken a number of consultancies in the private and public sectors in the areas of financial reporting and codes of conduct. Bryan has served as a director of several not-for-profit entities, including as President (Australia) of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand and as Vice-President on the Executive Committee of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research. He was a member of CPA Australia’s ‘Member of the Future’, is a Past-President of the South Australian Division of CPA Australia, and now serves on CPA Australia’s Professional Qualifications Advisory Committee

Neal Arthur

Neal Arthur BEc (USyd), MCom (Hons) (UNSW), PhD (USyd), CA, is a senior lecturer in the Business School at the University of Sydney. Neal’s current research areas are financial reporting and corporate governance. He has contributed articles to the Australian Journal of Management, Australian Accounting Review, Charter, Accounting and Finance, Corporate Gover­nance and the Journal of Corporate Finance.

Neal has also been a co-author of previous editions of Accounting for Corporate Combinations and Associations. He has previously held visiting positions overseas, including the University of Michigan and the University of Texas. Prior to entering academia, Neal was employed at Deloitte.

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