The Dino-Wrestling Jamboree is ON! Dinos compete in all styles of wrestling at this gigantic event.
Allo and Ankylo grapple in a folkstyle match. Lucha Libre fans go wild as the masked Tarbosaurus takes on Iguano. Tricera and Gigano loom large on the sumo dohyo, while over in the freestyle tent, Leso and Compy battle for the pin. Just what will happen when the Diplo and Ptero tag teams rumble in the WWD fight? You won't want to miss this action!
Dinosaurs face off in prehistoric sports competitions--from baseball to wrestling and every sport in between! Will the plant-eaters become the champions? Or will the meat-eaters be victorious? Fast-paced, rhyming commentary and exuberant illustrations put readers right in the action. Sure to thrill dinosaur lovers and sports fans alike!
- 9781467702126
- 9781467702126
- Picture books
- Format:
- Hardback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Lerner Publishing Group
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Pages:
- 32
- Dimensions (mm):
- 234x278x10mm
- Weight:
- 0.38kg
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