Abner Marsh, a struggling riverboat captain, suspects that something's amiss when he is approached by a wealthy aristocrat with a lucrative offer. The hauntingly pale, steely-eyed Joshua York doesn't care that the icy winter of 1857 has wiped out all but one of Marsh's dilapidated fleet; nor does he care that he won't earn back his investment in a decade. York's reasons for traversing the powerful Mississippi are to be none of Marsh's concern--no matter how bizarre, arbitrary, or capricious York's actions may prove. Not until the maiden voyage of Fevre Dream does Marsh realize that he has joined a mission both more sinister, and perhaps more noble, than his most fantastic nightmare--and humankind's most impossible dream.
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- 9780553577938
- 9780553577938
- Category:
- Historical Fiction
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- 24-04-2012
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Random House Publishing Group
- Country of origin:
- United States
- Dimensions (mm):
- 172.72x104.9x24.89mm
- Weight:
- 0.23kg
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1 Review
The idea was great. Really Great
So why was it made into something more like a mix between commercial romance novel, and pulp fiction entertainer? I love pulp fiction entertainers, and loathe romance novels.
Maybe that's what Mr Martin went for.... hmmm, maybe not.
It could have been really, really great. I loved all the steamboat stuff. It was like a 13 yr old steampunk girl's dream.
I would have prefereed more grit and substance, I would have loved it lots when I was 12. These days I want more meat, less formula.
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