fiction, artists, musicians, filmmakers, and gaming. His themes of cosmic
indifference, the utter insignificance of humankind, minds invaded by the alien,
and the horrors of history - written with a pervasive atmosphere of
unexplainable dread - remain not only viable motifs, but are more relevant
than ever as we explore the mysteries of a universe in which our planet is
infinitesimal and climatic change is overwhelming it.
In the first decade of the twenty-first century the best supernatural
writers no longer imitate Lovecraft, but they are profoundly influenced by the
genre and the mythos he created. New Cthulhu: The Recent Weird presents
some of the best of this new Lovecraftian fiction - bizarre, subtle,
atmospheric, metaphysical, psychological, filled with strange creatures and
stranger characters - eldritch, unsettling, evocative, and darkly
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