Isaac Asimov and other speculative fiction writers have postulated that what seems to be mere technology to modern eyes could be viewed as magic to people of other cultures and times ... and perhaps worlds?
In this series of novellas, classic and not-so-familiar faerie tales are placed in futuristic settings. The costumes and props might change, but the Human spirit and the quest for true love will never change.
Maia has grown up in the Downbelow, a Borer, born to a life of labor so the arrogant Stocrats can live in luxury in the Above. She's made friends with a Metalman who taught her things the people in the World have forgotten. But even those marvels pale in comparison to what she discovers when she enters the Virtual world and learns the danger that threatens them all.
- 9798201156497
- 9798201156497
- Science fiction
- Format:
- Paperback
- Publication Date:
- Publisher:
- Writers Exchange E-Publishing
- Pages:
- 204
- Dimensions (mm):
- 229x152x11mm
- Weight:
- 0.28kg
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