Darkest at Dawn

Darkest at Dawn

by Christine Feehan
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 02/02/2012

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'Dark Hunger' -

Juliette is a beautiful activist devoted to the liberation of animals confined in a foul and humid jungle lab. But then she stumbles upon an unexpected prisoner unlike any she's ever seen. Or touched. Riordan De La Cruz, an immortal Carpathian male, is trapped and caged, his desire for revenge only beginning. She will release him from his bonds. He will release her from her inhibitions. Both have voracious appetites that must be sated.

'Dark Secret' -

Rafael De La Cruz has spent centuries hunting vampires, but now he's following the scent of a human. Colby Jansen is a rancher and the sole guardian of her younger half siblings. She is prepared to protect them with her life against Rafael's blood claim. But the arrogant and fiercely sensual Rafael is after more than her family - he wants Colby. And there's nothing she can do to stop his raw desire to possess her.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Little, Brown Book Group
Christine Feehan

Christine Feehan is a No.1 New York Times and international bestselling author with 90 published novels to date, including seven series; Leopard Series, Dark Series, Ghostwalker Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series, Shadow Series and Torpedo Ink. Six of her series have hit the No.1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well.

She has been published in multiple languages and in many formats, including audio book, e-book, hardcover and large print. Her ground-breaking book trailer commercials have been shown on TV and in the movie theaters. She has been featured on local TV and appeared on The Montel Williams Show.

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