The Lava in My Bones

The Lava in My Bones

by Barry Webster
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 11/09/2012

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A surreal, imaginative novel about two troubled siblings in an oft-kilter Pentacostal family: one, a frustrated gay geologist who begins to eat rocks as he deals with the fallout of a troubled relationship; the other, his sister, whose own sexual metamorphosis causes her to ooze a honey-like substance. It is a novel about sex, piety, transgression, and the relentless, unforgiving power of family.

A literary gay novel that deserves an audience outside of LGBT.

Author Webster’s first book, The Sound of All Flesh, was published by a small Canadian press and not properly released in the US; it was critically acclaimed and won the ReLit Award, a Canadian prize for alternative literature. The Lava in My Bones is his first novel.

Other Arsenal gay men’s fiction titles include the books of Daniel Allen Cox (Shuck; Krakow Melt; Basement of Wolves) and Larry Duplechan (Blackbird, Got ‘til It’s Gone), as well as a number of literary anthologies.

An apt choice for New Voices and debut novel promotional opportunities.

Non-traditional market: LGBT accounts.

Contemporary fiction
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Arsenal Pulp Press

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