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Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences

Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences

by Gregory J. Privitera
Publication Date: 25/07/2022

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The Updated Third Edition has been fully revised for the seventh edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020), both in the APA style sections within content and the references. The language within the text has been updated to be as inclusive as possible regarding all aspects of identity. The APA sections on style, paper preparation, and ethics have been updated and the text itself has been formatted in the 7th edition style to better reflect the latest style guidance.  Both comprehensive and clear, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences, Third Edition author Gregory J. Privitera employs a problem-focused approach to introduce research methods. A conversational writing tone speaks to learners directly, empowering students to view research methods as something they are capable of understanding and applying. Within each chapter, students draw conclusions by following the scientific process. To do enable this, Privitera fully integrates the research methods decision tree--from choosing a research design to choosing an appropriate statistic--to encourage students to select the most appropriate methodology for the research question they′re seeking to answer. Greg Privitera covers the full scope of methodologies from non-experimental to quasi-experimental to experimental in a straightforward, unbiased manner.
Experimental psychology
Publication Date:
SAGE Publications, Incorporated
Country of origin:
United States
3rd Edition
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