Shipwrecked and keen to find Prince Alleric s sabre, Al and Owen cautiously venture into Ghost Island with Mahoot, Hally and Snakeboot. A volcano nearby is grumbling and the ghosts are gathering around the children. Pretty soon they end up in a large room where a shimmering skeletal man appears. Slowly he comes closer, rotting and horrible. Terrified, the children realise this is Vicious Victor himself. As Vicious Victor begins to speak, however, the children can see that he is truly repentant of his previous greed and jealousy. He tells them exactly what happened the night Prince Alleric and Princess Halimeda disappeared, and gives Al the sabre he had once stolen. On their way out, an earthquake uncovers a wonderful square-rigger that had been buried in the sand. It s The Nemisis, Vicious Victor s old ship. The children call Gunner and his crew and they finally sail off aboard their new ship. However, Gunner and the other pirates don t seem quite so nice anymore. They are violent and bossy. The children realise the ghosts have possessed their pirate friends. After working out a way to save them from the ghosts, the children and their friends hold a big pirate party.
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