Beauty from Ashes

Beauty from Ashes

by Pamela Hart
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 26/10/2022

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How far are you willing to go for love?

When Prince Arnion volunteers to infiltrate the prison colony of Gehenna, romance is the last thing on his mind. Rescuing its inhabitants is his only priority. But the corruption in Gehenna runs deep, fueled by the obsessions of its fanatical leader--a king rumored to devour human hearts.

To succeed, Arnion must conceal his identity from the people he's been sent to save, including a young woman he's inexplicably drawn to. And when her life is threatened by two merciless guards, the prince risks everything to stop them.

Afterward, she wants nothing to do with him or his promises of rescue. But she starts to realize there's more to Arnion than meets the eye, and what he's about to unleash on Gehenna will change everything.

Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
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Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.
Pamela Hart

Pamela is an award-winning author for adults and children. She has a Doctorate of Creative Arts from the University of Technology, Sydney.

Under the name Pamela Freeman she wrote the historical novel The Black Dress, which won the NSW Premier's History Prize for 2006. Pamela is also well known for her fantasy novels for adults, published by Orbit worldwide, the Castings Trilogy, and her Aurealis Award-winning novel Ember and Ash.

Pamela lives in Sydney with her husband and their son, and teaches at the Australian Writers' Centre.

The Desert Nurse follows her bestselling novels The Desert Nurse, The War Bride and A Letter from Italy.

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