Mr. Darcy's Determination: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate

Mr. Darcy's Determination: A Pride and Prejudice Sensual Intimate

by Victoria Newton and Jane Hunter
Publication Date: 27/01/2020

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Elizabeth Bennet's tour of the Derbyshire countryside with her aunt and uncle has been relaxing and enjoyable, but with Mrs. Gardiner's announcement that she has planned a tour of Pemberley, the very estate owned by the most disagreeable gentleman of Elizabeth's acquaintance, comes a realization that Elizabeth still harbors feelings for him.

Feelings that she has not been able to shake from her mind since his disastrous proposal at Hunsford. Mr. Darcy has haunted Elizabeth's dreams for far too long, but the knowledge that she might finally face him after so many months apart is not a reality she had been prepared for.

Can the boldness she finds in her dreams inspire her waking hours? Or will her dream of Pemberley be over before it has begun as she is struck dumb in his presence and unable to tell him how she really feels?

"Mr. Darcy's Determination" is a sensual and steamy Pride and Prejudice variation that is best enjoyed by those over 18 years of age.

Erotic fiction
Publication Date:
Red Thorns Press

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