Speculatief Magazine 1.1

Speculatief Magazine 1.1

by Goran LowieNaomi Kritzer John Wiswell and others
Publication Date: 01/05/2022

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Speculatief is een viermaandelijks speculatief magazine, eerst gepubliceerd in 2022. Elk nummer bevat enkele vertaalde kortverhalen en gedichten, meestal bekroonde werken of van grote internationale namen. Onze uitgaven zijn ook beschikbaar als ebook edities en audio podcasts.

Speculatief is een nieuw magazine met als doel om meer mensen kennis te laten maken met speculatieve literatuur. Al onze verhalen en poëzie kennen hun eerste Nederlandstalige verschijning in onze nummers.

In deze eerste uitgave:

John Wiswell (winnaar van de Nebula Award in 2021), Naomi Kritzer (met het kortverhaal “Kattenfoto’s, alsjeblieft” dat in 2015 werd bekroond met de Hugo Award), Tobias S. Buckell (bekroond met de World Fantasy Award in 2019), George Guthridge (met een Nebula-genomineerd werk uit 1982), A.T. Greenblatt (winnaar van de Nebula Award in 2020), Carrie Vaughn (reeds tweemaal genomineerd voor de Hugo Award), Marie Brennan (genomineerd voor de Hugo- en World Fantasy Award) en Christopher Mark Rose (met een verhaal genomineerd voor de Asimov’s Readers Choice Award in 2021).

Ook op het vlak van poëzie beginnen we direct met een heel mooie collectie. Onder andere drie gedichten van Bruce Boston (één van de grootste namen in speculatieve poëzie, met een record van 7 wins van de Rhysling Award, de belangrijkste prijs in speculatieve poëzie) en verschillende andere Rhysling-winnende gedichten.

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Speculatief Magazine
Naomi Kritzer

Naomi Kritzer is a writer and blogger who has published a number of short stories and several novels for adults, including two trilogies for Bantam.

Her 2015 short story “Cat Pictures Please” was a Locus Award and Hugo Award winner and a finalist for the Nebula Award. She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Carrie Vaughn

Carrie Vaughn is the New York Times Bestselling author of more than twenty novels and over eighty short stories. She's best known for the Kitty Norville urban fantasy series about a werewolf who hosts a talk radio advice show for supernatural beings.

She's also a contributor to the Wild Cards series of shared-world novels edited by George R.R. Martin. She has been nominated for various awards, including the Hugo and RT Reviewer Choice Awards.

Marie Brennan

Marie Brennan is a former anthropologist and folklorist who shamelessly pillages her academic fields for material. She recently misapplied her professors' hard work to Turning Darkness Into Light, a sequel to the Hugo Award-nominated Victorian adventure series The Memoirs of Lady Trent.

She is the author of the Doppelganger duology of Warrior and Witch, the urban fantasies Lies and Prophecy and Chains and Memory, the Onyx Court historical fantasy series, the Varekai novellas, and nearly sixty short stories, as well as the New Worlds series of worldbuilding guides.

Jenny Blackford

Jenny Blackford writes poems and stories for people of all ages, usually with a tinge of myth and legend, ancient history, science, or deep time. Over 30 of her short stories and over 50 of her poems have appeared in Australian and international anthologies and journals. She loves to write for kids as well as adults.

Her poems and stories for kids have been published in the School Magazine, Our Home is Dirt by Sea: Australian Poetry for Australian Kids, Stories for Nine Year Olds and other wonderful places. Kids aged 11 plus should enjoy her poetry books The Loyalty of Chickens and The Duties of a Cat, both published by Pitt Street Poetry, as well as her short YA novel The Priestess and the Slave, published by Hadley Rille.

Jenny's most recent poetry prizes are first place in the NEWC Thunderbolt Prize for Crime Poetry 2017 and first place in the Humorous Verse section of the Henry Lawson Awards 2017. She won two prizes in the Scarlet Stiletto Short Story Awards 2016 for a murder mystery set in classical Delphi, with water nymphs. In 2014 she was awarded third in the prestigious ACU Prize for Literature 2014.

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