The Real Crown Jewels of England

The Real Crown Jewels of England

by Clive Aslet
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 17/09/2020

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'Written with both charm and elegance, The Real Crown Jewels of England is a triumphant tribute to some of England's original treasures . . . lovingly captures the magic of the places that underpin our national identity and is a chance to rejoice in that heritage' Countryside

On 15 April 2019, Paris's beloved Notre Dame was ablaze. It shocked the world - a revered landmark, a national symbol, a manifestation of French identity was here today, gone tomorrow. Life is fragile. So are the buildings, monuments and landscapes that move us. The question 'what would you save if your house was on fire?' is a familiar parlour game. But what would you save if England was on fire? What are the places that we most cherish, that express qualities that are especially English?

In this delightful celebration of the real crown jewels of England, Clive Aslet takes us on a journey of 100 places that make our country great. From ancient oaks and Devon lanes to war memorials and the BBC, the white cliffs of Dover to views of Durham from the train, Aslet lovingly captures the magic of the places that underpin our national identity.

The Real Crown Jewels of England is both an invitation to rejoice in our common heritage, and to discover the world of astonishing beauty that lies just beyond your doorstep.

'Clive Aslet has been an extraordinarily informed and influential standard-bearer for the cause of the countryside and Britain's heritage for many years' Max Hastings

History of architecture
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Little, Brown Book Group
Clive Aslet

Clive Aslet is the award-winning editor of Country Life, and an acknowledged authority on British architecture and life. His books include ANYONE FOR ENGLAND? and INSIDE THE HOUSE OF LORDS and have studied our national identity. He regularly appears on current affairs programmes such as Newsnight. Clive lives in London with his wife and three young children.Clive Aslet is the award-winning editor of Country Life, and an acknowledged authority on British architecture and life. His books include ANYONE FOR ENGLAND? and INSIDE THE HOUSE OF LORDS and have studied our national identity. He regularly appears on current affairs programmes such as Newsnight. Clive lives in London with his wife and three young children.

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