Timeshadow Rider

Timeshadow Rider

by Elizabeth Lowell
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 06/06/2023

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Sharai’s eyes opened, violet and silver in an equal and incredible mixture. She was not surprised to find Kane holding her in his arms. She had dreamed this before, had experienced this instant as surely as she knew her own heartbeat, her own rippling timeshadow. You feel like my dreams of you. Hot. Powerful. Perfect. Do you taste like my dreams, too?

Her thought caressed Kane as surely as her translucent silver hair combing through his living timeshadow and her hands threading deeply into his black hair. Slowly he lowered his head until his lips could brush over hers. He meant it to be for only an instant, a glancing caress. But the instant passed and he was still touching her. Timeshadows overlapped hesitantly, then with greater certainty, twining sweetly as each color sought its complement. Reality expanded in a silent sentient explosion. Then she was tasting him and he was tasting her, their mouths joined in a wild pleasure.

The knowledge of what they were doing battled against their mutual need. The torrential, tantalizing rightness of each completing the other was a siren call that became more irresistible with each sweet instant.

Space opera
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Purple Papaya, LLC

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