In an ancient Japan where the incursions of gods, ghosts, and demons into the living world is an everyday event, an impoverished nobleman named Yamada no Goji makes his living as a demon hunter for hire. With the occasional assistance of the reprobate exorcist Kenji, whatever the difficulty—ogres, demons, fox-spirits—for a price Yamada will do what needs to be done, even and especially if the solution to the problem isn't as simple as the edge of a sword. Yet, no matter how many monsters he has to face, or how powerful and terrible they may be, the demons Yamada fears the most are his own.
- 9781607013945
- 9781607013945
- Category:
- Short stories
- Publication Date:
- 14-03-2014
- Language:
- English
- Publisher:
- Prime Books
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