The More Things Change

The More Things Change

by Scott Pearson
Epub (Adobe), Epub (Kobo)
Publication Date: 23/06/2014

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A thrilling e-novella based on Star Trek: The Original Series!

Six months after the events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Doctor Christine Chapel and Spock must save the life of an ailing Audrid Dax, her true nature as a Trill having remained a mystery until now. But after an unknown vessel attacks their shuttle, a risky game of cat-and-mouse may be the only way to save all their lives.

Science fiction
Epub (Adobe), Epub (Kobo)
Publication Date:
Pocket Star
Scott Pearson

Scott Pearson graduated with a Bachelor of Media Arts and has won a LIANZA Te Kura Pounamu award in 2015. He has spent his career collaborating with a number of clients both local and international, producing work for graphic novels, children's books, school journals, animation and more.

After being exposed to Tintin and Asterix books as a young child, Scott was inspired to be an illustrator himself. He lives in Hamilton, New Zealand with his wife, four daughters and a busy at-home illustration & design business.

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