Sons of Sikkim

Sons of Sikkim

by Jigme N. Kazi
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date: 21/10/2020

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This book, Sons of Sikkim: The Rise and Fall of the Namgyal Dynasty of Sikkim, is not a comprehensive history of Sikkim; it is only a brief history of Sikkim’s Namgyal Dynasty, which ruled the former Kingdom of Sikkim for more than 300 years (1642-1975).

The main purpose of writing this book is to give the ordinary people in Sikkim and elsewhere a glimpse of Sikkim’s history: its origin in the 13th century, advent of the Namgyal Dynasty in mid-17th century, invasion of neighbouring countries in the 18th and 19th centuries, and finally, the emergence of the kingdom as a democracy in the 20th century, leading ultimately to its present status the 22nd State of India.

There are very few books dealing on the above subjects in great detail in one book. Most books on Sikkim’s history and politics are either one-sided or fail to present a holistic view of Sikkim. A book such as this is perhaps written for the first time by a Sikkimese and from the Sikkimese perspective. History is not always written by the victors; at times, as in this case, it is written by its victims.

Empires fall, civilizations crumble but the human spirit, which fights against all kinds of oppression and exploitation, cannot be extinguished so easily. More than anything else, the story of the Sons of Sikkim is a story worth telling; a story of a small Himalayan kingdom and its people’s struggle to survive in the face of great odds.

Asian history
Epub (Kobo), Epub (Adobe)
Publication Date:
Notion Press

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